The Essential choices for the Drug Addiction Rehab
Teenage drug users are not all the same. No drugs of abuse either. There are a number of possibilities for combining the various adolescent individuals with the various drugs of abuse and the ways of using them.
Understanding this diversity of diagnosis is critical not to run the risk of being simplistic and naive in finding that there is one type of treatment that meets all user profiles and subgroups. There is the group of experimental users frequent users who have had social, family and educational problems those with family support of those who have no support etc. Here comes the use of the drug addiction rehab.
Therefore, the reader should be wary of any policy that proposes to solve the problem of drug use with simple and unique actions. It is necessary to form a protection and treatment network that fully meets the adolescent: physical, mental health, education and social protection preferably it is done in the same space and in an integrated manner. It is no use planning psychotherapy in one place, with the doctor in another address, the sport in another neighborhood. Complicated logistics worsen adherence and outcomes.
The goal should be abstinence. There is no research so far to show that any amount of drugs – any drugs, even alcohol and tobacco are safe for adolescent health.
What is the type of health equipment in Brazil today with these characteristics? None
The Psychosocial Assistance Centers (CAPS) propose to provide health care and social support using existing resources in the community. But the connections with the various health, leisure, education and social services are fragile and difficult to implement, if not impractical, especially for that group of patients whose families are already disaggregated and the figure of the caregiver is fragile or absent.
Then we need to innovate and think of another model that complements CAPS services. Not to replace, but to complement. But we cannot create a model based solely on what we believe or rely on a theoretical and idealized logic. It is necessary to invest in models that are cost-effective, that is, that are tested in practice and compared with other models to determine effectiveness. And these services need to be of value that society can afford. There is no point in having an effective service that costs so much that it is not feasible. Like our bank account, public resources are also finite.
Principle 1: The use of psychoactive substances in adolescence needs to be identified and treated as soon as possible.
Principle 2: Adolescent psychoactive substance users may benefit from an intervention for drug use even if they are not yet dependent.
Principle 3: Routine appointments can be a good opportunity to track teenage drug use.
Principle 4: Judicial interventions and family pressure play an important role in the admission and maintenance of adolescents in treatment.
Principle 5: Treatment should be tailored to the specific needs of each adolescent. Treatment should be individualized and a plan should be drawn up based on specific needs. Some will need drug use monitoring, some will not. Some will need medication, some will not, and so on.